From soloists to ensemble

A musical ensemble of four players

Giorgio Sironi - Tech Lead Manager @ eLife

(if you're reading this on your laptop, press S for notes)

Giorgio Sironi (@giorgiosironi)

My photo
  • Tech Lead Manager
  • Problems I work on
    • Finding out the right piece of software to build, then build it
    • Give enough challenges to people
    • Growing enough basil and parsley


All the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, on the same computer. -- Woody Zuill
For an idea to go from someone’s head into the computer, it must go through someone else’s hands. -- Llewellyn Falco
  • Driver: Hands
  • Navigators: Heads
  • Designated Navigator: Voice
A driver and a navigator in a car during a rally


Movie poster about a mafia story


The poster of Bee Movie


Role-playing game roles adopted by people in an ensemble programming session


The remoteness of it

  • is sharing their screen
  • has the only keyboard and mouse
  • uses their favourite IDE, setup, and chair
  • might not see all faces
(Designated) Navigator
  • is explicitly collecting group input
A screenshot of our infinite digital whiteboard
A loudspeaker

The theory

From Scatter-Gather...
Individual people with their individual queues of small tasks
to One-Piece Flow
People with different specialties working together on the same story
One programmer struggling to climb a hill, and sweating
Two programmers helping each other climb the hill
You can still work outside the ensemble
  • Deliberate learning
  • Spike branches
  • Just go for a walk
All the brilliant people working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, on the same computer. -- Woody Zuill

Thanks for your attention!